Extreme Ownership: Everything Related to Your Startup is On YOU

Why is EVERYTHING to do with your startup on you? How can you master the ability to self criticise? What happens when someone in your team is dragging the chain?

Jocko Willink is a world-renowned author, podcaster, motivator and consultant, after years servicing the US Navy Seals.

Jocko has received the Silver Star and Bronze Star for his service in the Iraq war, and was commander of SEAL Team Three’s Task Unit Bruiser during the Battle of Ramadi. He had multiple teams out on the battlefield, with bullets coming from all directions, and he was in charge of it all.

With many leadership lessons learnt, companies and startups now lean on Jocko for business advice. In this podcast, he discusses what makes a great leader, and details why everything that occurs within a business is due to the founder’s leadership.

Connect with Lambros Photios of Station Five on LinkedIn and Twitter.


Jocko Willink is coming to Sydney on December 4-5 of 2019, as part of his Muster 009 seminar.

This is a two-day intensive leadership training course, designed to equip attendees with the tools needed to build high performance, winning teams.

TICKETS can be bought via this link.

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